Believe it or not,

This website

is my dream come true.

Cooking is something that sort of came out of nowhere for me. No one in my immediate family enjoys cooking and I didn’t go to culinary school. So what, you may be asking, are you here for?

Well, I have spent the better part of thirteen years learning, reading, experimenting, writing, getting injured, and overall having an absolute blast in the kitchen.

The more the years pass the more I realize, cooking is probably the biggest thing that makes me… me. I cannot imagine a life in which I am not thinking, interacting and sharing food.

This website, the IG page and any other surprise that may come in the future is a result of all of the above. If any of it manges to make one person out there a bit more buzzed to get in the kitchen, I’ll consider it a job well done.

Buen Provecho.