Chilaquiles In Purgatory

They're tomatoy. They're Hot. They're salty and cheesy and tangy. The perfect hangover brunch.

This dish is what happens when you take whole cherry tomatoes and let them cook and sweat in the pan with a bunch of garlic and olive oil. It's so easy it's like the rest happens by magic.


  • 4 Cups of tomatoes (If they're cherry they can go whole. If not, chop them up roughly).

  • 4 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

  • 1 Table spoon of chilli flakes.

  • 2 Cloves of garlic

  • 1 Tablespoon freshly black ground pepper.

  • 4 Eggs.

  • 4 Cups of tortilla chips.

  • 2 Tablespoons of goat's cheese.

  • 1/2 Cup Chopped parsley

  • 1/2 Cup Chopped Cilantro


- On a large pan, slowly heat your oil.

- Lightly smash you garlic cloves with the side of a knife, to lightly break them. Throw them in the oil along with the half the chilli flakes and half the pepper. Bloom the garlic and the spices in the warm oil for about three minutes.

- Increase the heat and throw in your tomatoes. Make sure they're all coated in the oil. Then cover your pan, reduce to medium heat, and leave cooking for fifteen minutes.

- While they cook, the tomatoes will release all their juices. If they're cherry tomatoes they'll burst, and create a tomato sauce.

- After 15 minutes uncover the pan and season again with salt and pepper. You should have quite a bit of liquid in your pan. If not add a splash of water and season again, so that the pan filled half way with tomato sauce.

- Throw in your tortilla chips and coat them in the tomato sauce.

- Once your pan is very hot and steamy again, make four small "holes" in your pan and there drop your four eggs. Once they're placed in the pan, season them with salt. Let them cook for four minutes on low to medium heat.

- After five minutes, sprinkle a good amount of goats cheese and all your sliced, fresh herbs.

- Serve with warm coffee or a very cold Bloody Mary, depending on the degree of your hang over.


Juicy & Salty Summer Tartines (2 Ways)
