These are important. 

Like, day - changing important.

These tacos have become my all time favorite breakfast BY FAR.

They're warm, and buttery, and tangy, and creamy and a little spicy.

What could possibly be better than a crispy tortilla, slathered in salty greek yogurt, followed by a layer of bright and lemony arugula, dense, soft and buttery scrambled eggs, fresh parsley, goats cheese and pickled chillies?

Turns out nothing. The answer is nothing.

If you're strategic and know what you're doing, you can get these done in 15 minutes and basically be the breakfast superhero you know you were born to be.


(makes 2 tacos):
  • 2 corn tortillas

  • 2 tablespoons greek yogurt

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 cup of fresh arugula

  • 1/2 Lemon

  • 1 tablespoon of goats cheese

  • 1 tablespoon Bomba Tapenade (or any pickled chillies)

  • 1 pinch of flaky salt

  • 1 tablespoon fresh black pepper


- Place two tortillas on la large hot skillet and wait for them to start warming up and toasting.

- While you wait, prepare all the other ingredients in the counter, and start melting you butter in another small, non stick pan on medium to low heat. (Make sure the butter isn't burning. It should not be bubbling or sizzling, but slowly melting. If you see it's too hot remove from the heat.)

- While your butter melts completely and flipping your tortillas repetitively making sure they don't burn, beat your two eggs thoroughly in a bowl with a whisk.

- Once your tortillas are warm and toasty on both sides, set them aside.

- Now, here's the strategy part that is key to the success of this dish. Because before we cook our eggs, we're going to assemble everything else and get everything ready, so that our eggs are the last thing we add to our tacos, making sure we eat them, still warm, soft and perfectly cooked. Remember, our eggs are the star of the tacos. They're allowed to arrive fashionably late to the party.

- Very roughly chop your arugula and squeeze half a lemon on top. Sprinkle a bit of salt and massage with your hands, until all the arugula leaves are coated with lemon juice and salt.

Then place your tortillas on a plate, and slather a dollop of greek yogurt on each. Distribute evenly with a spoon. (We want a thick, creamy base for these tacos, so don't be shy here).

Place a bed of bright, lemony arugula on each tortilla on top of it's yogurt base and add a tiny splash of olive oil on top of each tortilla.

- Ok, our bases are ready. We're ready for the star moment.

- Pour your eggs in the skillet with the melted butter. (Careful here. Your eggs shouldn't be sizzling at all. If they start to sizzle, remove them from the heat and start whisking them immediately to prevent them from cooking too quickly).

Here's where you salt your eggs. (Not before. Never before. Only when they've already had contact with the heat). Grab a pinch of salt to taste and sprinkle it all over the surface of the pan. Don't be too shy here. Eggs love salt).

- Wait about 5 to 10 seconds. Then gently swirl your pan in a circular motion.

- When you realize your eggs are settling on the bottom, push them from the sides to the center of the pan with your spatula, and swirl your pan again, to let the liquid, uncooked eggs reach the side that you just pulled to the center, trying to cover the pan again with uncooked egg. Do this until you see that big curdles are beginning to form in the middle of the pan.

- Very gently keep moving your big curdles of soft scrambled eggs around flipping some of them to cook on the other side. The whole operation shouldn't take longer than three minutes and a half.

Whatever you do, do not crank up your heat. You'll maybe feel like nothing is happening, but trust me. This slow cook is going to ensure the consistency of your eggs is super dense, flavorful but also super soft, tender and luscious. (Man, I should do PR for eggs).

- When you see your eggs are mostly cooked, still very shiny, almost a bit still on the runny side, set aside and separate your eggs by half.

- Place your eggs on top of your yogurt-and-arugula-ready tacos.

You're going to want to eat them now, but now the final touches that are SUPER important.

- Have your goat's cheese, Bomba pickled chillies and parsley on the ready, and sprinkle a good amount of the three toppings on both tacos.

I recommend starting with the cheese, to let it land on the warm eggs and let it melt a bit. Followed by the pickled chillies. Nice big blobs of red to have spicy bites. And a nice rain of parsley leaves. These will make your taco super fresh and herbaceous.

- Finally, sprinkle some flaky salt on top of your tacos with a crack of fresh black pepper.

Make sure you have some freshly brewed coffee to go with them.

These are special. Choose well who you serve them to. Not everyone deserves this breakfast.


Chilaquiles In Purgatory


Chipotle - Honey - Roasted Chicken Tacos w / Pickled Tomato Salad